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2009-2010 USCI Graduate Summer Fieldwork Grants

Block has received short-term research fellowships from the American ... But a closer examination of previous academic research shows that we know less ...

US and PRC Governments, Statements on China’s East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone, November – December, 2013

with China. We hope that the Japanese side could stop just paying lip service ...

Senate Hearing, Evaluating the Impact of the ‘Umbrella Movement,’ December 3, 2014

a meritocratic civil service, and a professional police force. Yet developments ...

Russia-China Joint Statement on International Relations, February 4, 2022

the origin of the new coronavirus infection is a matter of science. Research ... and Shorter-Range Missiles, the acceleration of research and the development ...

Teaching About Asia- April 2009

Research / Web Collaboration ♦ Seminar Benefits Individuals who successfully ...

Teaching About Asia- May 2009

Challenges and Opportunities ♦   Web Research / Web Collaboration ♦ Seminar ...

President Reagan's Remarks to Chinese Community Leaders in Beijing, China, 1984

programs in 21 specific areas. We're sharing the benefits of research ...

President Chen Shui-bian, New Year’s Address January 1, 2008

and measures to provide guidance and assistance in improving their research ...

Frank, Objectifying China, Imagining America: Chinese Commodities in Early America, 2011

243.) The breadth and depth of her research sustain the multiplicity ...

Cook, Mao’s Little Red Book: A Global History (March 6, 2014)

that the chapters are products of original research in a dozen different languages ...
