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Goldstein, Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry (March 31, 2015)

painstaking research demonstrates, a very substantial number of Chinese scholars ...

Fact Sheet- President Xi Jinping’s State Visit to the United States, September 25, 2015

research efforts, and will work together on the proposal to establish ...

Council on Foreign Relations, "CFR Backgrounders: The Chinese Communist Party," August 27, 2015

corruption," according to the  Pew Research Center. China's recent economic ...

Golub, East Asia's Reemergence, 2016

Currently, the latest Kim lavishly finances the research and testing of weapons ...

He, China's Crisis Behavior- Political Survival and Foreign Policy after the Cold War, 2016

He's original research "puzzle" motivating the book ...

Liu Xiaobo 刘晓波, 1955-2017

for post-doctoral research. When student-led demonstrations broke out in Beijing ...

The Game of Go: Ancient Applications and Contemporary Connotations 围棋游戏:古代应用及当代内涵

Moskowitz, who has researched how the game reinforces masculine ideals ...

As China Bars Reporters, Taiwan Emerges As A Journalist Hub

through Internet and phone research.  “As a journalist in 2021, you can ...

Discovering Ding Zhen: Influencer Culture And The Myth Of Tibet In Chinese Social Media

as possible.” Conducting field-study research in Litang for years, the village ...
