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Congressional Research Service, "How Large is China’s Economy? Does it Matter?" February 13, 2008

reports released by the Congressional Research Service. Section:  Documents ...

Congressional Research Service, "China’s Space Program: Options for U.S.-China Cooperation," September 29, 2008

released by the Congressional Research Service. Section:  Documents ...

Congressional Research Service, "China's Economy and the Beijing Olympics," August 6, 2008

by the Congressional Research Service. Section:  Documents Documents- Contemporary China ...

Congressional Research Service, "China’s 17th Communist Party Congress,2007: Leadership and Policy Implications," 2007

by the Congressional Research Service. Section:  Documents Documents- Contemporary China ...

Congressional Research Service, "Prospects for Democracy in Hong Kong: China's December 2007 Decision," January 10, 2008

by the Congressional Research Service. Attachments:  Democracy in Hong Kong 2008.pdf ...

Congressional Research Service, China's One Belt, One Road Initiative- Economic Issues, Jan. 22, 2021

January 22, 2021 The Congressional Research Service is a non-partisan office of the Liberary of Congress. The full pdf of this report is available at the link below. /// President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic ...

Congressional Research Service, China’s Rare Earth Industry and Export Regime: Economic and Trade Implications for the United States, April 30, 2012

by the Congressional Research Service. Related articles: Congressional Research Service ... and Options for Congress,” Sept. 5, 2012 Congressional Research Service ...

Congressional Research Service, "U.S.-China Nuclear Cooperation Agreement," 2005

the full Congressional Research Service report, please click here. Click here for a listing of reports released by the Congressional Research Service. Section:  ... Republic of China (PRC) by focusing on congressional roles in crafting ...

Congressional Research Service, “China and the Global Financial Crisis: Implications for the United States,” February 9, 2009

by the Congressional Research Service. Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Documents- ...

Congressional Research Service, “Health and Safety Concerns Over U.S. Imports of Chinese Products: An Overview,” January 13, 2009

by the Congressional Research Service. Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  ...
