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Khan, Muslim, Trader, Nomad, Spy: China's Cold War and the People of the Tibetan Borderlands, 2015
China's Cold War and the People of the Tibetan Borderlands. The New Cold ... "sub-nationalism," in other words, that the People's Republic of China and India ... into account by dominating political, economic, and military powers (as well ...
Tiananmen Square Document 32: Cable, TFCH01: SITREP No. 65, June 27, 1700 Local, 1989 Section: Documents Documents- US-China Topic: Human rights Politics Security Economics Tags: military u.s. leaders trade Custom ...
U.S. Pentagon report: Military Power of the People’s Republic of China, 2007
May 23, 2007 Other US government reports on China's military: ... /sites/default/files/legacy/AppImages/pentagon-07-china.pdf Executive Summary China’s rapid rise as a regional political and economic power with global aspirations is an important element of today’s ...
U.S. Department of Defense, "Military Power of the People's Republic of China," 2007
Summary China’s rapid rise as a regional political and economic power ... The United States welcomes the rise of a peaceful and prosperous China, and it encourages China to participate as a responsible international stakeholder ...
Council on Foreign Relations, "CFR Backgrounders: South China Sea Tensions," May 14, 2014
and islands of the South China Sea have roiled relations between China ... roughly the entire South China Sea. The region is home to a wealth ... are at stake in the increasingly frequent diplomatic standoffs. China ...
U.S. Department of Defense, "Military Power of the People's Republic of China 2009," March 25, 2009
China’s rapid rise as a regional political and economic power with growing ... and prosperous China, and encourages China to participate responsibly in world ... much over the last 30 years to encourage and facilitate China’s national ...
Deputy Asst. Secretary Michael H. Fuchs, Remarks at the Fourth Annual South China Sea Conference,” July 11, 2014
in the South China Sea. In that spirit, today I’ll offer some practical ... in some of the world’s most remarkable growth stories, from China to South ... to conclude soon, and the bilateral investment treaty negotiations with China ...
John Kerry and Wang Yi, Remarks on North Korea, the South China Sea and other topics, February 23, 2016
are not developing on two tracks: one hand, we are seeing more of China-U.S. economic ... our countries. As I have said many times, the United States and China ... of Action on Iran’s nuclear program. And China took a leading role ...
Selection from American Military History-The U.S. Army in Vietnam, 1989
With combat raging in Korea and mainland China recently fallen ... France to sustain its economic recovery and to contribute, through ... of equipment. Instead, they put American aid at the service of a flawed strategy ...
Chinese Military Modernization and Cross-Strait Relations, 2004
been closely tied to China's main domestic agenda, rapid economic ... for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Statement to China Security Review ... of the concerns you might have about the issue of China's military ...