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USC and China in the News, July and August 2009

of the just completed initial meeting of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic ... of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue that began July 27 in Washington, ... August 25, 2009 Click here for other "USC and China ...

USC And China In The News: May and June 2018

about China’s 40 years of economic reform. "Much like the US ... June 25, 2018 Click here for earlier media pieces on USC and China ... Kang was cited in an article about the role of China in East Asia. ...

Euro-skepticism toward China increases

views of China. Swedes are the most negative. Views tend to be more ... positive. 91% of Hungarians are sure they are not in a Cold War with China ... Economic frustrations drive some of the unfavorable views. Some ...

Robert O’Brien, The Chinese Communist Party’s Ideology and Global Ambitions, June 24, 2020

of time before China would become more liberal, first economically and, then, politically. The more we opened our markets to China, the thinking went, the more we invested capital in China, the more we trained PRC ...

USC and China in the News, July and August 2010

on US-China economic relations. Dube noted that the America’s trade deficit ... in economic circumstances over the 30 years of China’s economic reforms ... Lam’s research has been supported by the USC U.S.-China Institute.   Click ...

USC and China in the News, May and June, 2019

be attributed to the economic slowdown in China. He also noted that most Americans ... faculty, staff and students and China. June 26, 2019: South China Morning ... was interviewed about social media influencers in China. He said, that the Chinese ...

Tanya Lee On Stanford’s China Scholars Program, Remote Learning

September 26, 2020 Originally published by US-China Today ...   Dr. Tanya Lee is the instructor for the China Scholars Program. She most ... of the Asian Educational Media Service at the University of Illinois ...

USC and China in the News: January and February 2018

service files for an IPO. February 27, 2018: CNN USC U.S.-China ... research in China. He is also director of the iHuman Institute at Shanghai ... and China. February 28, 2018: Deadline Stanley Rosen, USC political scientist ...

USC And China In The News, May And June 2017

June 27, 2017 Click here for other "USC and China ...   Stanley Rosen, USC political scientist, was quoted in a story about China’s crackdown on live streaming services. Rosen said, “Anything live, ...

USC And China In The News, January and February 2017

January 5, 2017 Click here for other "USC and China in the News" pages.    February 21, 2017: The China Post A visit by USC President ... Albright was interviewed about her research into matchmaking companies ...
