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Joint Statement on Anti-Asian Hate and Violence

Center for Transpacific Studies, and U.S.-China Institute at USC, condemn ... at Our research centers and institutes will host future events ... through our teaching, research, academic programs, and outreach. We ask ...

Heather Johnson- USA Pavilion Student Ambassador

major of Economics, to allow me to travel through China with ease, to bulk ... done a bit of research before I came, and couldn’t help feel a little ... Here we go: "Hey, no big deal, I only met THE PRESIDENT OF CHINA ...

USC must support its Chinese international students through cross-cultural education

States-China relations in recent months, hostility against Chinese students ... toward bridging the divide between the U.S. and China, USC must tailor its ... USC as a global university. The larger anti-China narrative has been ...

NYC World Premier of "Face of a Nation: What Happened to the World's Fair?"

sight of what it means to be American?  Research for the film was launched ... US-China Institute Faculty grant, USC Architectural Guild Dean's Fund, ...

报导中国(美国记者关于中国):两个中国的故事 (Assignment: China- A Tale of Two Chinas 中文字幕版)

这期《解析中国之旅》聚焦1990年间的中国。天安门广场抗议之后持续不断的镇压让美国记者团不能采访、旅游或是翻越令人窒息的官僚障碍。记者及其消息人士面临持续的监视和骚扰。然而,随着经济的发展,记者们所处的政治气候开始好转,到了90年代末,中国已经进入美国记者口中的“黄金时代”。 ...

Brandy Au- USA Pavilion Student Ambassador

The goal is to create something that will be economically feasible to produce ... one that is slowly gaining ground in China. According to the JA rep, when the organization first established itself in China it was very ...

Xinhua News Agency, "On the 'Memorandum' of the Dalai clique," November 21, 2008 By Yiduo BEIJING, Nov. 21 (Xinhua)-- At a press conference ... of China (CPC) Central Committee, UFWD Vice Director Sita and Executive Vice ... of China's Constitution and law and it could meet Tibetan people's demands ...

Ernest Wilson- Welcome, Through Tinted Lenses? Conference

and others at a conference hosted by the USC U.S.-China Institute. Polls ... to constrain China's continued rise. Americans and Chinese have increasingly ... pressing social, economic, and environmental issues. At the conference we ...

Chinese are more impressed by Japan's response to the coronavirus than America's

toward China. Chinese see this as the behavior of a good neighbor. Within China, the online discussion has mainly about a new understanding ... to China and denying entry to non-citizens who recently traveled to China ...

Alex Pao- USA Pavilion Student Ambassador

since my service at the USA Pavilion ended. Only now do I feel like I’m ... happening at the World Expo: we want to believe that our service during ... And then there is China itself, which holds the responsibility of bridging some gaps of its ...
