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Peter Hays Gries- How Liberal & Nationalist Ideologies Shape Mutual Mis/Perceptions

J. & Ruth Newman Chair & Director of the Institute for US-China ... Foreign Affairs (forthcoming), China's New Nationalism: Pride, ... and Society in 21st-Century China. Gries has written dozens of academic journal ...

Daniel Lynch- The Chinese Debate on America's Decline in the 2000s

international relations at USC and is a member of the US-China Institute's Executive Committee.He's the author of two books: Rising China and Asian ... Transformations of Thailand, China, and Taiwan and After the Propaganda State: ...

Herbert G. Klein, 1918-2009

of the university and advisor to the USC U.S.-China Institute. After serving ... of the American Enterprise Institute and continued to research and write on a great variety topics, including how China is changing. In his 1980 book  Making ...

Media moves

concerning the U.S. and China has been about the news media itself. Both ... international arm China Global Television Network, China Radio International, China Daily, and Hai Tian (People’s Daily’s U.S. distributor). ...

Mark Wlodawski- USA Pavilion Student Ambassador

Chinese students about the business world in China. He wants me to lecture his class about what it’s like to work in business in China, especially ... apartments in China, a student from Atlanta who studies Chinese and business ...

Zhiwei Xiao- America in Chinese Cinema

and film reviews, Xiao has written on America in Chinese cinema, China's film industry, censorship in Republican China and in the early ... by the USC U.S.-China Institute. Polls suggest that a slight majority ...

Zheng Wang- Discussant for Panel 3: Politics, Ideology, Assessing the Other

co-editor of Clash of National Identities: China, Japan, and the East China ... by the USC U.S.-China Institute. Polls suggest that a slight majority ... the U.S. is working to constrain China's continued rise. Americans ...

Xu Wu- Discussant for Panel 3: Politics, Ideology, Assessing the Other

for the World: How to Solve China's Soft Power Deficit (2009). Wu has ... has served as current affairs commentator for China Central Television ... by the USC U.S.-China Institute. Polls suggest that a slight majority ...

Terry Lautz- Discussant for Panel 4: Public Opinion Surveys

is completing a book about John Birch, an American in China who became ... and others at a conference hosted by the USC U.S.-China Institute. Polls ... to constrain China's continued rise. Americans and Chinese have increasingly ...

Photos: Ma Ying-jeou Visits USC

to: USC President C.L. ... Ying-jeou discussed Taiwan's current economic situation and focused on its relationship with mainland China, Japan, and the United States. ...
