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USC and China in the News, March and April 2012

China-related news stories featuring University of Southern California faculty, students, staff, and programs. ...

Mr. Ma's Taiwanese Identity

March 31, 2008 The Far Eastern Economic Review 's March issue ... election. Lynch, a member of the USC U.S.-China Institute's executive ... Lynch anticipates that China's government, which sees Taiwan ...

Chinese language study is rising fast

the great rise in Chinese enrollments to China’s rising economic strength ... with interest in Japan’s economic growth and its culture. In 1960, Chinese ... With Japan’s 1980s economic bubble, however, enrollment in Japanese raced ahead. ...

USC and China in the News, March and April 2014

China-related news stories featuring University of Southern California faculty, students, staff, and programs. ...

Video: "Forbidden Feeds" Report Launch

field research in China, documents about American foreign policy gained ... expression. The vague and broad nature of China’s censorship rules means ... in Political Science from Harvard University in 2016. Erin’s research focuses ...

Ma, Sounding the Modern Woman: The Songstress in Chinese Cinema (May 13, 2015)

and following the transition to sound film in China. More than this, though, she ... was tied to glamorous images of a modernizing China. The intertwining ... in those industries. It may be valuable for further research to build ...

Designation and Determination Pursuant to the Foreign Missions Act, October 21, 2019

of China's foreign missions in the United States as a benefit under the Act ... to require all Chinese members of the People's Republic of China ... visits to research institutions (public or private), including national ...

Talking Points, July 15, 1971- Nixon and Zhou Shake the World

to announce that he was going to China. At the same time, Premier Zhou Enlai announced that Nixon had accepted China’s invitation to visit. Nixon ended his ... relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China ...

Mller, Representing History in Chinese Media: The TV Drama "Zou Xiang Gonghe" (Towards the Republic), 2007.

considerable attention among sinologists and historians of China is the manner ... means in contemporary China. "Zou Xiang Gonghe" was produced ... in China. Hitherto, most people have been exposed to the officially sanctioned ...

Committee to Protect Journalists, Chinese authorities briefly detain Globe and Mail journalist in Xinjiang

CPJ research shows. Section:  Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  ... the report said.   "People living inside and outside of China have a right ... "China needs to stop trying to block coverage of sensitive stories, ...
