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Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Cara Wallis

Media Technologies in China’s ‘New Socialist Countryside’: ... in China. Her forthcoming book, Technomobility in China: Young Migrant Women ... in the low-level service sector in Beijing.   This video is also available ...

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Maria Repnikova

is Research Officer for the ESRC Project "UK-China-Africa Media Research ... Service from Georgetown University. Her current research interests are: ... on the issues of the press in China and Russia. She has received her Masters ...

观看 “中国牌:政治与政策”南加大美中学院十周年会议

She draws upon field research in China, documents about American foreign ... States, and economic interactions among China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. ... Gallup clients and associates on research questions and economic analysis. ...

Oprah at USC and China's Oprahs- Talking Points, May 11-29, 2018

for the things that matter most." China’s economic rise has touched Oprah.  ... 12:30 pm San Diego, California The Economic History of China: From ... Congratulations to the US-China studies graduates across the USC campus today! From ...

PRC Foreign Ministry, The State of Democracy in the United States, Dec. 5, 2021

the 2020 presidential election and Congressional elections cost some US$14 ... and the Congressional elections cost over US$7 billion. The fact that the American people ... a restricted right to political participation. The inequality in economic status ...

USC And China In The News, March and April 2016

is becoming a year-round China-focused research institution.    April 22, 2016 ... March 7, 2016 Click here for other "USC and China ... Newspaper   Michael Sorkin was named as the inaugural research fellow ...

US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Directed by Hollywood, Edited by China," October 28, 2015

///////////////////// The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission was created ... Report Abstract China’s strict regulation of entertainment imports, ... commitments, as determined in a 2007 WTO decision calling for China to open its ...

Li, "Advertising and consumption in post-Mao China: Between the local and the global," 2006

in China. Advisor: Sturken, Marita Section:  Research by students Topic:  ... rapidly over the past two decades in China. Advertising not only reflects ... advertising in some sense embodies China's modernization project. Examining ...

USC and China in the News, March and April 2010

Film Festival. March, 2010: China Economic Review Crystal Lu ... On the broader question of the US-China economic relationship, Dube argued ... 2010: China Economic Review A column on business education quoted ...

Zhang Hui- How Young People in China's Less Well-Known Citites See America

She's carried out research into group culture, patterns of consumption, social change, public services, and public policy. Much of her research has ... of studies including Everyday China 《日子里的中国》 and We are the '90s ...
