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Wang, "The transformation of Taiwanese political economy since the mid-1980's: From authoritarian to quasi-democratic state," 2001

transition and the economic transformation in Taiwan. Democratization endows ... of by state. This economic rationality is both endorsed and constrained ... Taiwan gains ground in economic liberalization and privatization on the one ...

Additional Articles to the Constitution of the Republic of China Sixth Revision April 24, 2000

April 24, 2000 Constitution of the Republic of China 1946   |  2000 ... the following articles of the Republic of China Constitution are added or amended to the Republic of China Constitution in accordance with Article 27, Paragraph 1, ...

Major Challenges Facing the Chinese Leadership, 2006

and Pacific Affairs Statement to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ... in the international system. The statistical data underlining China’s economic success ... have been averse. In other words, China’s economic "miracle" ...

Goldstein, Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry (March 31, 2015)

Section:  Reviews- US-China Topic:  Economics Politics Security Tags:  Taiwan ... September 15, 2015 Lyle J. Goldstein.  Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry.  Washington, DC  Georgetown ...

Johnston and Ross, Engaging China: the Management of an Emerging Power, 1999

China on Taiwan either, and thus we see progress in economic cooperation ... population and close economic relations with China, Amitav Acharya concludes: ... on Japan and Taiwan's China policies by American researchers. Micheal ...

Chen, "Political economy of financial liberalization in emerging markets: A comparative study of South Korea and Taiwan in the 1990s," 2002

August 24, 2009 Tsaubin Chen, Ph.D. Abstract (Summary) This research ... and economic structures that differentiate its transition. Identifying linkages between liberalization and economic growth and crisis, this work finds ...

China's Influence in the Western Hemisphere, 2005

broader emergence as a global political and economic power. China is now ... an FTA with Mexico. China has been translating its economic success—and its ... other countries cannot match. China’s Economic Outreach to Latin America ...

Ma Ying-jeou, “Inaugural Address,” May 20, 2008

of the Republic of China, the people changed the course of their future. Today we ... maneuvering was high, and economic security was gone. Support for Taiwan from ... of China is now a democracy respected by the international community. Yet we ...

President Chen Shui-bian, New Year’s Address January 1, 2008

regarding economic and trade relations with China can be assessed. All ... economic relations. Though China is a vast and very important market, it most ... Party of China in Beijing, Chinese President Hu Jintao, for the first ...

Election ’08 and the Challenge of China- USCI Documentary

October 6, 2008 “China has and will continue to have a tremendous ... Randt, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to China Responding to the rise of China ... The range of issues is daunting. On the economic front, bilateral ties have ...
