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Banning Garrett

January 23, 2009 "The Strategic Basis of U.S.-China Relations and the Challenges of the 21st Century" Banning Garrett directs the Asia Society’s initiative on U.S.-China cooperation on energy and climate. He previously ...

Midori Goto held concert at the Beijing Concert Hall – Oct 16

October 23, 2009 Midori Goto, strings professor and department chair of USC's Thornton School of Music was in China for several performances ... Festival with the China Philharmonic Orchestra. Her sold out concert ...

Ping-pong melts Cold War rifts

enthusiasts at an event sponsored by  the USC U.S.-China Institute, Confucius ... in a game of table tennis. "Everybody in China knows him," said Clayton Dube, director of the USC U.S.-China Institute, who gave ...

East of Hollywood-- USC cinema students combine with Chinese student filmmakers in Beijing

supported by a USC U.S.-China Institute grant to Mark Harris and Marsha ... in a Communist state. “Being gay is very, very taboo in China,” says Tringe, an MFA ... issue.” Tringe, 28, and five other USC film students went to China ...

Taiwan Pres. Ma Ying-jeou on Cross-Strait and US Ties, Followed by Los Angeles Discussion

by Ma Ying-jeou, President of the Republic of China. The president spoke ... Johnson, holder of the Freeman Chair in China Studies, all at the Center ... by students opposed to the cross-strait services agreement.   This video is also ...

USCI Conference in the Press

May 3, 2007 The USC U.S.- China Institute's inaugural conference on "The Future of U.S.- China Relations" on April 20-21, ... of Susan Shirk's new book China: Fragile Superpower: ...

Art and the New Culture City: Karon Morono

Architecture and Society in China (Timezone, 2005).   This video is also ...

Video: Wei Yen Discusses How Culture Can Affect Investments

combines culture with credit analysis to argue that it is unlikely that China ... Yen shows how some of these traditions also hamper China’s efforts ... China more fully into the global community and will suggest ways policy ...

Harry Hui 许智伟: Connecting with Millennials

April 10, 2015 Harry Hui 许智伟 heads ClearVue Partners, a venture capital firm. Previously he directed Pepsico’s marketing efforts in China and led entertainment enterprises including Universal Music Asia and MTV ...

Ching-Ching Ni 倪青青: Training and Working with Millennials

April 13, 2015 Ching-ching Ni 倪青青 is editor in chief of the New York Times Chinese website. She was previously associate dean of the Shantou University School of Journalism and for many years she reported from China ...
