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Happy Year of the Monkey 祝猴年快乐!

which examines the "hot mom" (辣妈) phenomenon in China. And check out the range of interviews at  US-China Today, from China ... explores what's up in contemporary China and in U.S.-China relations. ...

TENG Jimeng Discusses His Translation of The Book "No Direction Home: The Life and Music of Bob Dylan"

in China.   Dylan has been well-known in China for a long time. Lyrics from five ... in China in 2011. Receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016 only ... issues and U.S.-China relations. Teng has twice been a Fulbright Scholar ...

Earthquake Relief

May 13, 2008 US-China Today' s daily updates summarize quake ... have gone to disaster relief. Red Cross of China The Red Cross website ... Account name: Red Cross Society of China 中国红十字会总会 For those who want ...

Jeffrey Bader: International Relations

May 25, 2016 Jeffrey A. Bader is a senior fellow and founding director of the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution. ... principal advisor on Asia. His book on that experience is Obama and China ...

Beijing International Film Festival attracts USC faculty

Associate Professor of Practice Jason E. Squire just returned from China ... of China and also by the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality. The China Film Association and the China National Film Museum served as summit ...

Video: Panelists Discuss the Film "Above the Drowning Sea"

October 17, 2017 The USC U.S.-China Institute, USC Pacific Asia ... and produced award-winning documentaries on art and China. Clayton Dube, Director, USC U.S.-China Institute Dube has headed the institute since ...

New Publication: From "Tribute System" to "Peaceful Rise"

Analysts Discuss China’s Foreign Relations," the issue offers revised ... China’s important place in today’s world we sometimes want to draw insights ... China's talk of a "peaceful rise" less convincing, its ...

Look Out Below: Parachute Kids Descend Upon the U.S.

December 1, 2016 Originally published by US-China Today on December ... student from China studying at Seattle Northwest School. Like the two ... China or Taiwan. Often, these students want to study in the U.S. ...

May You Have an Interesting August …

coming out party for China, a little Beijing air pollution and recent ... that China would get its act together,” he said. “This is supposed to be an opportunity to make people feel more positively about China.” But Carter says ...

A Grand Performance in Beijing

there are tangible reminders in China’s capital of the historic games. New buildings ... of performing arts in China, the building’s neighbors include the Great Hall ... in China of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic ...
