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Conversation with Kurt Campbell: The U.S. and Asia- A Status Report

been a key interlocutor with China at a time of increasingly strained ... China Sea and South China Sea, fueled by nationalistic passions in China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. He sat down with USC U.S.-China Institute ...

Lowell Dittmer, University of California, Berkeley

(University of Washington Press, 1992), China’s Quest for National Identity, with Samuel Kim (Cornell University Press, 1993), China Under Reform (Westview ... India, Pakistan, and China (M. E. Sharpe, 2005) and many scholarly ...

Dan Lynch on realism and rationalism in Chinese thinking on international relations

of International Relations and is a member of the USC U.S.-China Institute's ... in the March 2009 (v. 197) issue of The China Quarterly (pp. 87-107). Here is the abstract of the article: "China's evidently unstoppable “rise” ...

Q&A with Fu Hongxing, Director of "Mr. Deng Goes to Washington"

to the United States in 1979, only a month after China established diplomatic ... of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The film retraces his pivotal visit that shifted China’s diplomacy. Click here to view the event page.   This video ...

Vincent Wang on the 2012 Taiwan Election: A Maturing Democracy

security and economic affairs. Video of Prof. Wang's presentation ...

Ming-cheng Lo on the 2012 Taiwan Election: Identities

is a Professor of Sociology at the University of California Davis. Her research ...

Professor Sam Crane Discusses "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Dao: Ancient Chinese Thought in Modern American Life"

controversial American debates, including abortion, stem cell research ...

Clayton Dube 杜克雷: Outline of the Future

April 10, 2015 Clayton Dube  杜克雷 directs the USC U.S.-China Institute, which focuses on the importance and multidimensional nature of the U.S.-China relationship. Dube studies what shapes American and Chinese ...

Daniel Lynch on the 2012 Taiwan Election: 1992 Consensus- Harmless Mantra or Dangerous Trap?

February 13, 2012 Daniel Lynch argued that ideas about Taiwan-China ... and China." Daniel Lynch is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern California. Lynch is the author Rising China and Asian ...

Video: A Tale of Two Nobels: Liu Xiaobo and Mo Yan

April 30, 2013 Hosted by the USC U.S.-China Institute, Professor ... What is the writer's place in China today?  What should it be? What ... principle?  China's two recent Nobel Prize winners, Liu Xiaobo for peace, ...
