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Waterman joins elite Chinese Academy of Sciences

2014 by Laura Paisley. After winning the 2013 People’s Republic of China ... Viterbi School of Engineering. “I’ve always been intrigued by China,” said ... and mathematics rapidly develop in China.” Over the past 16 years, Waterman has ...

Undergraduate Seminar: Communication and Social Change in China

to assess China’s dynamic political-economic circumstances, socio-cultural ... of particular media and communication conditions in China, this course also ... therefore, is divided into four sections: 1) China’s market reform; 2) Mass ...

USCI Postdoctoral Fellowship Grants

U.S.-China Institute aims to enhance understanding of the 21st century’s definitive and multidimensional relationship through cutting edge research ... from scholars who specialize in U.S.-China relations, very broadly ...

2012-2013 USCI Events

and China. USCI speakers presented research and participated in dozens ... U.S.-China Institute, the 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference ... social, cultural, political and economic aspects, as well as how China ...

Building Bridges- USC/Tsinghua leaders sign agreement

of the Research Institute for Petroleum Exploration and Development and the China ... colleagues in information science and technology at China’s prestigious ... for future collaboration in research and education, and facilitate exchanges ...

Happy Year of the Dog! Our Lunar New Year Stamps Collection

Museum; Bottom: He, China Art Museum Dogs have been a part of Chinese life ... 27 million dogs, China is now said to trail only the U.S. (55 million) ... the mature U.S. market, China’s has been growing by 20% a year. Mars, Nestle, ...

USC to train Chinese physicians at Keck School

to benefit in terms of research and business opportunities. “As China opens up, ... hospitals across China will come to USC for training in minimally invasive surgery as part of a new educational and research exchange agreement ...

Chinese History Comes to Life through Games

of the last 200 years of Chinese economic history through a new seminar ... with computers.” Time Flies When You’re Having Fun “China Times,” a role-playing ... pursued their mobility and economic strategies as part of a family unit. ...

Art and the New Culture City: Carolyn Cartier

and the cultural and economic geographies of Asian cities. She's the author of Globalizing South China (Blackwell, 2001) and co-editor of The Chinese Diaspora: ...

Smashing Barriers…

Department of Disabled Services to help launch China’s first National Day ... of International Services, Williams was one of the Americans performing in Xiamen ... and meaningful issue. According to the Second China National Sample Survey ...
