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Assignment: China- The Week that Changed the World

January 31, 2012 English | 中文 Assignment: China  Homepage   This video is also available on the  USCI YouTube Channel.   China ... Nixon's visit to China in February 1972 changed the course of history ...

USC and China In The News- March and April, 2019

April 30, 2019 Click here for earlier lists of USC research, faculty, students and organizations in China-related news. April 30, 2019: ... set overseas haven’t done well outside of China. “You have to have ...

USC Pacific Asia Museum reopens with surprising Mexico-China exhibit

when China had closed its borders to the Western world and when art ... Fusang: Mexico and China in the Twentieth Century. The exhibit is part ... a decade doing research for the exhibit, which he says is likely the most ...

Video: Worsening Sino-Japan Relations: Implications for the US

and international geo-politics than history. A powerful nationalistic China feels it deserves a China-centric Asia, but the US-Japan alliance constitutes a major obstacle. The islands dispute is provides China with leverage to re-orient ...

Wei Yen Discusses His Book "From The Great Wall to Wall Street"

that China will suffer a financial collapse despite a slowing economy and high debt levels. Yen shows how some of these traditions also hamper China ... to integrate China more fully into the global community and will suggest ways ...

New Global MSW Degree in Taiwan

research university, the program is aimed at preparing students for leadership roles in human services, especially in evolving areas ... of service. Taipei courses will be taught on weekends by scholars from USC ...

The Globalization of Chinese Soft Power- Falk Hartig

Diplomacy in a New Era, Dr. Hartig is focusing his research on how China ... Falk Hartig is a post-doctoral researcher at the Frankfurt ... Germany. His research focuses on public and cultural diplomacy, political ...

Daniel Rosen- How Chinese Investors and Businesses View the U.S.

partner of Rhodium Group and leads the firm's work on China. He is a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics ... adviser for International Economic Policy at the White House National ...

The South China Sea: Troubled Waters

of the South China Sea, China has a 200 mile exclusive economic zone that extends ... of the sea bed in my economic zone. So China considers it I have a right ... of the world’s most important shipping lanes and fisheries, the South China Sea ...

USCI visiting scholar Yang Zhongdong: exploring the interplay between ethnicity, religion, and identity

is a very important step in achieving harmony in ethnic areas of China,” said ... China’s cultural, geographic and linguistic diversity is astounding.  Yang ... a visiting scholar at the USC US-China Institute, points out that establishing ...
