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U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai: Openness, inclusion and fairness essential at home and as principles in dealing with China

Trade Representative described the U.S.-China relationship ... of China or people of Asian ancestry in the United States. Amb. Tai's ... points of friction in the current economic relationship. She last met ...

China's International Recycling Trade

I have been investigating China’s enormous and informal economic sector of post-consumer recycling. Throughout China several millions of people survive ... employment is not just an obvious indicator of China’s increasingly gaping ...

Los Angeles Real Estate Scion Savors Experience in China

August 3, 2013 Originally published by China Daily on August 3, 2012 ... touting the first US-China student exchange. She applied and became one ... influence caused her to learn about China and its people firsthand rather than ...

Hollywood 3.0 The Best of Both Worlds: Co-Producing Films for the U.S. and China

man who had never been abroad, moved to China and began relating ... as well as China.  Prior to joining East West Bank, Mr. Pozil served for 11 ... of international content in China.     View the event page here.   This video is also ...

USC's Top Leadership Visits Asian Capitals

of Copley Newspapers traveled to China with Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger. ... economic power of the Pacific Rim, but it is also the only place that all ... It was heartening and inspiring to our alumni and research partners ...

Barry Naughton, “Macroeconomic Imbalances and a Revised Growth Strategy”

analyses of China’s economic policy-making online at China Leadership ... pioneering study of Chinese economic reform, Growing Out of the Plan: Chinese Economic Reform, 1978-1993 won the Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize. Naughton’s ...

USC's Drobnick to receive honor during world trade week

Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) ... volunteer, Drobnick is a Research Professor of Management and Organization ... economic and business issues and U.S. and Pacific Rim trade policies. He ...

Robert A. Kapp, Discussant for the Debt and Property Panel

American relations with China.  From 1994 through 2004, he guided the leading organization of U.S. companies engaged with China, the US-China Business Council, ... discussions of US policy toward China.  He currently heads the consultancy ...

Video: Duncan Clark on the Rise of Jack Ma and Alibaba

in the context of China’s momentous economic and social changes, illuminating ... around the world, Jack is an icon for China’s booming private sector ... and two decades in China chronicling the Internet’s impact on the country ...

Duncan Clark Discusses His Book "Alibaba: The House that Jack Ma Built"

in the context of China’s momentous economic and social changes, illuminating ... around the world, Jack is an icon for China’s booming private sector ... and two decades in China chronicling the Internet’s impact on the country ...
