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Video: Panel Looks at Ways to Combat Prejudice

Research Center in Atlanta. He has long focused on U.S.-China perceptions ... represented California’s 33rd Congressional District since 2015. Prior ... and is the Whip of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. He has been ...

Video: Hate is a Virus

Research Center in Atlanta. He has long focused on U.S.-China perceptions ... 33rd Congressional District since 2015. Prior to that Representative Lieu served ... of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. He has been a leader in many areas, ...

Chinese American Film Festival 2012- Huang Huilin

selected five films that provided popular in China. At USC five AICCC ... solid, in-depth research and art works with Chinese characteristics ... of the Film, Television and Theater Research Center of Beijing Normal University, ...

Video: Conversation with Gary Reischel

May 22, 2020 Innovation in products, processes, and services ... living standards. Seeking innovation, China and the United States both invest over 2% of their gross domestic products in research ...

Panelists Discuss Key Issues Involving the South China Sea

the South China Sea certainly gets a lot of attention from world leaders, ... the economies of China, Japan, and South Korea passes through the area. So does a huge share of global trade. China’s built air strips, the Philippines has ...

Andrew Walder, Stanford University

and Economic Reform in China, co-edited with Jean Oi (Stanford University Press, ... and change in communist regimes, and his current research focuses on the impact of China 's market reforms on income inequality and career opportunity. ...

Watch The Presentations From The Education Panel At The "China: Finding Solutions" Conference

and education research programs. In 2017, China’s Ministry of Education ... at Stanford University. His research on agricultural policy as well as the economics of poverty and inequality focuses on rural education, health, ...

Video: Conversation with David Barboza

Times journalist, a group of veteran journalists have created  The Wire China ... business and economic trends. Contributing writers are stationed around the globe and many of them have years of experience covering China and its ...

Assignment: China- China Watching

February 27, 2014 English | 中文 Assignment: China Homepage China ... that reporters, diplomats, and others excluded from China engaged in in order to understand what was happening in China and what it meant for the U.S. ...

Assignment: China- The New Millennium

September 30, 2015 English | 中文 Assignment: China   Homepage China entered the 2000s riding a continuing wave of economic growth, while ... and losers in the process of reform produced heightened social and economic ...
