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Barack Obama and Hu Jintao, Press Conference, January 19, 2011
countries is also good for China. China’s extraordinary economic growth has ... and balanced global economic recovery. We agreed that in China, this means ... that China’s rise offers enormous economic opportunity. We want to sell you all ...
Wang Yang, Jacob Lew, Yang Jiechi, and John Kerry, “Press Statements at US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue,” June 7, 2016
opportunity for China-U.S. to promote world economic growth. This remarks ... also contribute to China-U.S. economic relations. A healthy China ... understand economic developments, China has committed to improve economic data ...
US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Directed by Hollywood, Edited by China," October 28, 2015
///////////////////// The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission was created ... Report Abstract China’s strict regulation of entertainment imports, ... commitments, as determined in a 2007 WTO decision calling for China to open its ...
China in Democratic Party Platforms, 1968-2020
The establishment of normal diplomatic and economic relations with China ... with corporate interests over our workers and launching a trade war with China ... will take aggressive action against China or any other country that tries ...
Vice Premier Wu: China's Development Road, 2006
as a developing country. With a big population and a weak economic foundation, China ... 1 by ratio. China's economic aggregate ranked the fourth worldwide in 2005, ... structure, if an 8 percent economic growth rate is sustained, China will create ...
Liu Jian, “Phoenix Nirvana – An objective look at China’s new normal,” April 27, 2016
up in 1978, China has enjoyed nearly 30 years of rapid economic ... in the world. A comprehensive observation of China's economic and social ... and industrial structure, China now enjoys stable economic fundamentals, especially ...
Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Mnuchin, and Secretary Ross, Briefing on President Trump's Meetings with President Xi of China, April 7, 2017
Section: Documents- US-China Topic: Politics Economics Tags: public ... concerns about the impact of China’s industrial, agricultural, technology, ... the need for China to take concrete steps to level the playing field ...
Sec. John Kerry, “Remarks on U.S.-China Relations,” Nov. 4, 2014
economic and cooperation is more than just commercial. As China pursues ... in the Strategic and Economic Dialogue with China. Today, although we have more than ... about this special relationship with China, an important relationship. ...
Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen's Speech on China-US Relations, 2001
economic globalization and the arrival of the cyber-age, China's future ... China's expected to see rapid economic development. China will spare ... Committee on US-China Relations, US- China Business Council, US-China Policy ...
For a Sound Sino-US Relationship, 1997
together to ensure the success of these visits. China-US Economic Cooperation ... the economic and trade ties. With the rapid growth of China's economy, our ... of our trade and economic cooperation. China's total imports from 1997 ...