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Video: Matt Sheehan Looks at Socioeconomic Ties between China and California

October 22, 2019

Despite tensions between the Chinese and American governments, the state of California has deep and interdependent socioeconomic exchanges with China that reverberate across the globe. Matt Sheehan examines these interactions that make California a microcosm of the most important international relationship of the twenty-first century. 

Klaus Mühlhahn examines China's evolving international position

October 5, 2019

Moving beyond the standard framework of Cold War competition and national resurgence, Klaus Mühlhahn's new book situates twenty-first-century China in the nation’s long history of creative adaptation.

Video: Klaus Mühlhahn on China's Rise in a Historical Perspective

October 5, 2019

Klaus Mühlhahn examines the lessons from history that provide insight into China's evolving international position and how the United States and others should respond.


Panelists Discuss the Movement in Hong Kong

September 25, 2019

Panelists examined the issues driving the protests in Hong Kong, the social composition and motivations of the protesters and counter-protesters, and how the various sides are using media to reach local, mainland and international audiences.


USC And China In The News, September and October, 2019

September 23, 2019

China-related news involving USC research, faculty, students and organizations.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋节快乐!

September 13, 2019

It's a good time to gather with family and friends and to reach out to those who may be more distant. We wish you the best possible holiday!

Video: Weijian Shan's Life from Exile to Equity

September 4, 2019

The USC U.S.-China Institute and Asia Society hosted a talk with Weijian Shan, one of Asia’s best-known financiers, as he recounts his remarkable personal story of his exile to the Gobi Desert for hard labor at the age of 15 amidst the turmoil of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution.

USC And China In The News, July and August, 2019

August 28, 2019

China-related news involving USC research, faculty, students and organizations.

America Is Losing the Second Space Race to China

August 23, 2019

Greg Autry and Steve Kwast recently published an opinion piece in Foreign Policy arguing that the American private sector can help the U.S. catch up to China in space. Autry is a professor at the USC Marshall School of Business specializing in the space industry and entrepreneurship. 


2019 Hong Kong Studies Research School, Hong Kong, December 4-6, 2019 (Deadline:

August 19, 2019

To encourage young scholars to conduct research on Hong Kong-related topics, the AHKS is organizing the “2019 Hong Kong Studies Research School”. The initiative is a FREE and intensive training program targeting current PhD students with opportunities provided to participants to present their papers at the Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference.
