The State of the Chinese Economy: Clayton Dube - What country is the world's leading economic power?
The USC US-China Institute's Clayton Dube opened the conference with a quiz.
Ho-fung Hung, "Structural Dilemmas in the US-China Currency Conflict"
Ho-fung Hung teaches sociology and is associate director of research at the Center on Chinese Busi
K.C. Fung: Discussant of The Broad View
Co-founder of the Santa Cruz Institute for International Economics, Prof.
Daniel Lynch: Discussant of The Broad View
Prof. Lynch teaches international relations and is a member of USC’s US-China Institute Executive Committee.
Victor Shih, "Awash in Debt: State Liabilities and Monetary and Welfare Implications for China"
Victor C. Shih teaches political economy.
Baizhu Chen, Discussant for the Debt and Property Panel
Professor Chen’s research covers a wide range of monetary economics, international finance, and Ch
Robert A. Kapp, Discussant for the Debt and Property Panel
Following ten years as a professor of modern Chinese history, Dr.
Li Hongbin, "China`s Educational Inequality: Evidence from College Entrance Exams and Admissions"
Li Hongbin teaches of economics and is also executive associate director of the China Data Center
C. Cindy Fan, Discussant of Human Capital
Prof. Fan teaches geography and Asian American studies and is associate dean for social sciences.