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Haiku and Sijo Poetry

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Haiku and Sijo Poetry

Name of Lesson: Japanese and Korean Syllabic Poetry Haikus and Sijos
Grade Level: ​10 Subject:English Prepared By: Carrie Morgan
Overview and Purpose: To discover East Asian poetry by examining and writing A Haiku, three lines with a 5/7/5 syllabic setup and an SIjo, a three line 45 syllable setup. Before we write we will investigate each type of poetry and the history of each.
Educational Standards ● ELA Literacy W 9­10.4 ● ELA Literacy W 9­10.5 ● ELA Literacy W 9­10.6
Objectives: Specify skills/information that will be learned ● Know the format of a Japanese Haiku Poem ● Know the format of a Korean Sijo Poem ● Create and publish forms of both poetry ● Translate poems into Japanese and Korean using Google translator ● Paint onto rice paper using thin paint brushes and black paint
Materials Needed: ● Rice Paper ● Black paint, paint brushes ● Chromebooks ● Lined paper Other Resources: (websites, videos, books, etc.) ● Google sites for East Asian Poetry ● Calligraphy video
Information: Give and/or demonstration necessary information 1. Explain to students that Haikus are usually about nature. They Are short poems that have a 5/7/5 syllable makeup. 2. Explain to students that Sijo’s are either about metaphysics, nature, love,humor,or politics. They have a three line 45 syllable makeup.
1. Write a poem together they can use as a mentor poem 2. Final poem Activity​: Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson Introduce a Haiku Poem by reading aloud a well written one. Ask students what they notice about this poetry form. Explain to them that it is written not by rhyming but by syllables. A pattern of 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, and 5 syllables in the third line. ( Create an anchor chart to hang up) Then as a class create one together. Model counting syllables and scratching out words you don’t need. Make sure it is about something in nature. Then let students create one of their own. Do the same thing for the Sijo poetry form. Share one, explain the pattern of three lines and 45 syllables. Make an anchor chart and then create a Sijo poem together. When they have a poem in both a Haiku and a Sijo, have them choose which one they like best. This will be the one they type on a Google Doc. and paint on rice paper. Have them type the poem and then translate it into either Korean or Japanese using Google translator. They will use this to help them paint the characters onto the rice paper. They paint and type. Of course they turn out beautiful even if they aren’t perfect. Notes I did calligraphy painting with Kindergartners. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It is fun and turns out great. Have fun