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Chinese Philosophies

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Anonymous (not verified)
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Chinese Philosophies

Lesson Plan attached.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from aguzman

This is great, when I teach the philosophers at the beginning of World history I can now include Asian philosophers. Even though that is frowned upon because they did not influence western philosophical thought. I would like my students to make connections with the views and the ideas that people had during a time of oppression. There are many people the rise to the challenge and want the best for ALL people and are willing to scarify themselves for the good of society. Thank you for this great resource.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from gvaliulis

Just did a simplified philosophies debate. I asked the kids to research one philosophy. The figured out themselves that they needed to study all of the philosophies to win the debate.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from mcastillo

Students are introduced to ancient religions in the 6th grade. In 7th grade we continue with religions. One way I adapt the given lesson is that we review three major philosophies/religions: Confucius, Daoism, and Buddhism. Students are given background information and questions to answer. As an "assessment" students are given quotes and they figure out under which of the given philosophy/religion they fall under.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from aaxelson

This is great. I'd like to try this in my classroom also. It's perfect for bringing common core into the classroom! I like that students need to know all philosophies to win the debate - teaches them to always know the "counterargument."

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from tlentz

So, so, so, SO, smart!

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from dcoronel

This sounds very interesting. It reminds me of our own session on the philosophies at the beginning of the course.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from lstribling

I liked the powerpoint. I thought it was well developed. I have been trying to figure out a way to bring the class debate format we had in the class to my own classroom. I am always looking for ways to bring more class debate formats into my class. good work