The 3-session Lesson Plan was prepared for student with moderate to severe disabilities who are in the altenate curriculum and English Learners thereby requiring a lot of accomodations and individualizations and SDAIE strategies to ensure more significant learning.
Class Composition
Please record relevant student data below. Some categories may not be applicable to your class (these categories can be left blank). Most of this information can be found in MyData:
Teacher Name:
Mangabat, Reynaldo
Subject/Grade History/Grade: 12 Moderate/Severe
Lesson Date/Time:
January 14-18, 2019
General Student Data(1b1, 1b3)
Record the number of students in each category
Male Students (#):6
Female Students: 1
Students with Disabilities: 7
GATE Students: 0
English Learner Data (1b1, 1b3)
Record the number of students in each category
English Learners:7
Standard English Learners:0
Long Term English Learners: 7
Record the number of students at the following language proficiency levels that are present in your class. (1b1)
Beginning: 7
Early Advanced: 0
Early Intermediate: 0
Advanced: 0
Intermediate: 0
Student Achievement Data (please use data relevant to this lesson) (1b1, 1b3)
Below Basic:
Far Below Basic: 7
Additional Student Data (1b1, 1b3): What other student data may be relevant or important to this lesson?
· Students participate on the Alternative curriculum on level 1.
· Students have difficulties with foundational skills, fine motor skills, social interactions, and communication skills.
· Students are non-verbal use gestures, eye gaze, aac devices or picture exchange system to communicate.
· A student requires behavior support plans and use positive behavior supports or token economy.
Instructional Goals and Objectives
Standards (1a1): What standard(s) or portion of a standard does your lesson address?
History/Social Science Standard:
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text.
Essential Understandings (1a1, 1c1): How do the goals/objectives of this lesson align to the big ideas and essential understandings of this unit of study?
· In the Lesson 1, Students are going to answer the question, " How did China achieve the significant cultural transformation after the Communist Revolution of Mao?".
Learning Outcomes (1a1, 1c2): What do you want students to understand, know or be able to do in relation to the standard(s)?
· Students will be able to learn the significance of collective effort in accomplishing change.
Language Objective (1b1, 1c2): What forms and functions will English Learners and Standard English Learners need to use to clearly communicate their ideas?
· Students will answer questions by completing a cloze activity to answer
o What was the economic system in China before Mao’s revolution?
o What were the significant changes that the China after the cultural revolution?
· Students will be acquainted with new vocabulary through a word wall.
Academic Language (1a1, 1c2): What academic language will be taught or reviewed?
· Feudal system
· Communism
· Working class
· Classless society
· Peasants
· Government
· Nationalist
· Private Property
· Ideology
Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
Students’ Prior Knowledge (1b1, 1e4): What skills and knowledge do students already have in relation to the objectives of this lesson? How do you know?
· Students already understand the concept fairness and equality.
· This will be evident on how they expect to see from their roles and responsibilities at home and school.
Students’ Interests/Cultural Heritage (1b4): How will you make content relevant to students’ interests and/or cultural heritage?
· Students will answer why it is important to make sure that there are equal economic opportunities for everybody in the society regardless of their color, religion, and gender.
Student Misunderstandings/Misconceptions (1d4, 1a2): What student misunderstandings/misconceptions do you anticipate, and how will you address those?
· Students might confuse rights to own a property as absolutely wrong.
· Students will learn that our rights end when other people’s right begins.
· Students will identify their needs and privileges in relation to the needs and privileges of their classmates at school.
Materials (1a2, 1d2, 1b4): What materials, resources, and/or technology will be used in the lesson to engage students in meaningful learning?
· Unique Learning System’s text-to-speech feature will be used in reading “We have Rights” Leveled reader by Claire Repp and illustrated by Katie Foster.
· YouTube video on China: A Century of Revolution 1949-1976
· Students will access the digital version of the Leveled reader on iPad.
· Switches such as AAC device, enlarged picture supports will also be used to enhance the students’ engagements.
Instructional Groups (1d3, 1e4) How will you group students (whole class, small groups, pairs)? What data (formal/informal) will you use to assist you in forming these groups?
· Students will be partnered to share the limited equipment and will share their answers to the questions to their partner.
· It will also take into consideration their ability and willingness to support each other.
· Teacher will closely supervise each partnership especially the one that requires behavior support.
Lesson Structure
Outline your sequence of instructional activities below. Include the time frame required for each activity.
Consider the following important guiding questions when designing your plan. You may be asked to respond to these questions during your pre-observation conference:
- What opportunities will you provide for students to make sense of what they are learning and construct new knowledge?
- What strategies, linked to lesson objectives, will you use to maximize participation of all students for the entire instructional block? (e.g. discussion, student talk, inquiry, questioning, reflection)
- What opportunities are you providing for students to engage in higher level thinking (e.g. analysis, synthesis, application)
1Instructional Activities (1a2, 1d1, 1d4):
Introduction: Day1
· Teacher will prepare the Word Wall on the vocabulary words in GoTalk app on the iPad.
· The teacher will prompt the students to read the title, author and illustrator’s names.
· Teacher will show a video clip about China: A Century of Revolution 1946-1976 on YouTube
· Engage the students to express the difference between ideologies of the Nationalist Government and the People’s Revolution in China.
Model: Day 2
· Teacher will say how important to have social justice in every society.
· Teacher will show examples of stories about Chinese people’s lives during the cultural revolution.
· Discuss the life Chinese children after the cultural revolution.
Provided Practice: Day 3
· Engage the students to the question, “private property needed to be eradicated according the communist ideology?”
Level 3 students: Students will identify from the choices of advantages of having economic freedom.
Level 2 students: Student pick from the choices a picture of disadvantages of not having economic freedom. Communication board or the book illustrations may be used as needed to augment students learning.
Level 1 students: Student choose a benefit of having economic freedom by picking from a field of 2-3 choices (or errorless choice). Symbols may be found in unit illustrations, unit symbols or on Symbol Stix Prime
· Students will experience a virtual fieldtrip about the beautiful historical spots in china such as the Forbidden City and the Great wall of China to provide a deeper historical context in the study Chinas history.
Check for Understanding
Level 3 students: Will the students be able to judge motives leaders of the Communist Revolution?
Level 2 students: Will the students show a picture of why economic equity is important .
Level 1 students: will the students be able show a benefit of having equal economic opportunity showing from several symbol styx pictures (may be errorless choice)?
Quality and Purpose of Questions
Questioning (1a2, 1e3): What questions do you plan to ask to help students achieve the objective/learning outcome?
· Why is did China need to undergo a bloody revolution?
· What is the significance of the Chinese Cultural Revolution?
· What happens if our economic rights are curtailed?
· What should we do to protect our rights?
Support for Specific Learners
English Learners/Standard English Learners (1a2, 1b1, 1b2, 1b3): What strategies will ensure access to content for English Learners and Standard English Learners?
· Word wall for vocabulary
· Teacher modeling,
· Pictures and videos
· Use sentence frames when pre-teaching the vocabulary words
Students with Disabilities (1b3): What accommodations will be provided for students with disabilities in this lesson?
· Pictures and video supports,
· Switch/multi-modal communication device,
· small group instruction when partnering them and monitor their understanding
· Positive behavior support,
· Big letter and other tactile objects
Enrichment (1b3): How will you enrich and deepen learning opportunities for students who have already achieved mastery?
· Students will be challenged to engage in academic conversations and judge the significance of social justice by distinguishing the advantages and disadvantages of being able to enjoy equitable economic opportunity .
Assessment Criteria (1e2): What criteria will you use to assess levels of student learning? How will you communicate these criteria to students? How will you know that the criteria are clear to ALL students?
· The teacher will use the levels and criteria determined by ULS for each student through an earlier assessment.
· Teacher will explain this criteria to each student prior to the assessment.
Evidence of Student Learning (1e1): How will you know that students have met the learning outcomes?
· Post-tests and checkpoints will periodically check their understanding before and after the lesson.
· Other informal observation and data collection will be used to evaluate the student's understanding
Student Self/Peer-Assessment (1e3): What opportunities will students have to self- or peer-assess?
· Students work on think-pair-share strategy.
· Students will share and compare answers by giving one and getting one answer from each other.
Checking for Understanding (1e3): During the lesson, what are some of the different strategies you will use to check for understanding?
· Teacher will supervise student the participation of each students in the think-pair-share activity and check on their answers and non-answers.
· Teacher will ask differentiated formative and summative assessment through the checkpoints of ULS for comprehension throughout lesson.
· A prompt for their journal will be posted for them to reflect on;
o What can we do as students to ensure social justice in our environment?
o Reflect on other countries where they do not have equitable economic opportunities.
o How will you feel about not being able to choose your own religion, not having the right to go to school, and the freedom to travel?