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Wolf Children 2012 Movie

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Wolf Children 2012 Movie

Many of the movies out there are in no way appropriate for young children. Even movies that were labeled as family or children had too much violence or adult sexual content. I scanned through several movies and found one that I would be able to use some parts in the classroom. This movie is a love story but the section i'm going to show is great for 2nd grade students. I have one parent that I know will not sign the permission slip due to religious reasons but I can give him an alternate assignment and place him in a different 2nd grade classroom during the viewing and discussion of this movie.

This movie starts out as a young child narrating the story of how her mother met and fell in love with her father who is a werewolf.

I'm going to stop the movie at the 10 minute mark to compare and contrast the animation attributes of this film compared to children movies produced in the US by Disney or Dream Works.

We will also talk about the their thoughts of how Hana was named and share personal stories of how they were given their own name. My guess is that most students won't know but after this i'm sure they will ask their parents.

I also want to touch on the part of the movie that talks about how Hana's family deals with death and compare it to other cultures.

At 12 minutes i'll stop the movies to talk about the family structures that are discussed during the film and compare it to the family structures students are familiar with.

I would cut out the section from minute 15 to 18 due to sexual content. Even though there is this section of the movie it is dealt with respectfully.

I would then show the next 4 to 5 minutes of the film that show family life. I would then have students write a response to the movie. I would pose two choices. The first is student can write a summary of our discussions or they could write about what they were thinking as they were viewing the film. They are accustomed to writing their thoughts as a general practice.