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Short Films

I found this video while researching ideas for a Moon Cake project for elementary school. I don't know much about the tradition but I found this animated 13 minute silent film entertaining. I has simple music, school children, jade rabbits on the moon preparing and dropping on Earth moon cakes. The film is downloadable and there is a resource file that can be downloaded as well (35 Mb, too large to attach here)

PDF file:

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from kventuroso

I am going to use this as I am going to teach about mooncakes for a unit! Thanks!

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from zrichardson

This film/documentary is an eye opener even if its historical accuracy is 1% out of 100%. First the film shows what it appears to be a combination of modern and original footage, "about the cover operations, ingenious spy gadgets, and military deceptions", that forevermore alter the course of history. The film shows, " the Viet Cong's secret methods to hidden supply highways." Including underground tunnels and entire cities.