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Snow and Ice Festival in China

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Anonymous (not verified)
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Snow and Ice Festival in China

There are several great pictures of an international snow and ice festival held in China this year. It seems a little odd to have a gigantic Santa Clause (not sure if there is a translation) in China, but the ice buildings with light are certainly beautiful. Here is a link

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from mari_montes

I could not see it but I looked it up, looks like fun! I saw this website

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from kflanagan

A friend sent me pictures of the Snow and Ice Festival. It is truly amazing and incredibly beautiful. The snow was the artistry and the ice the architecture - I guess the ice would be more stable.

but I must admit, as a native Californian (who has lived in snow and ice storms) I got cold just looking at it and enjoy the pictures more than I would the experience of being there.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from bberry

My daughter visited Harbin two years ago and said it was amazing. The pics she took were pretty incredible.
Harbin took a definite negative, (it's climate) and turned it into a reason to visit.

An interesting thing about the city is that it is so far north it had a lot of Russian influence. The pics she took of the city showed a building with the 'onion' dome of Russian architecture and the street view I saw looked very European.

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from bberry

Picture of building made of ice, yes it is!

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from bberry

and forbidden city in ice

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from bberry

and lastly, Russian church, St. Sofia in Harbin,

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from eselig

Thanks for sharing the great pictures! Its incredible to see what goes on in all other parts of the world and how closely they relate to us.