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Small Learning Communities with Multicultural Empowerment/Human Rights Content

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Anonymous (not verified)
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Small Learning Communities with Multicultural Empowerment/Human Rights Content

Hi everyone,

The two days of the human rights conference comprised the most inspiring and energizing weekend I have had so far during my teaching career (now five months new!!).

At lunch on the first day, I had the opportunity to speak with a woman named Pat, one of the participants in the conference, who told me about a small learning community at her high school that aims to nurture and support the intellectual empowerment of those students designated as limited English proficient. She said their curriculum is one that has an emphasis on international relations and multiculturalism, and that it is a great way of empowering students to employ their vast knowledge from their cultures and languages of origin and apply that knowledge while learning how to make the most of their education in Los Angeles public schools.

Over the past few weeks, the enthusiasm for small learning communities has been picking up at my school, and I would like to contact Pat to find out more about how her school has created and implemented this concept. My problem: I do not know her last name OR the name of her school!! If anyone knows who I am talking about (Or Pat, if you're out there!), please email me at

Also, on the more big picture level, if anyone has other ideas of either existing models or ideas for how to create this kind of small learning community to serve a multicultural student body of English learners, I am eager for ideas!!

Many thanks,
Ariane White

Anonymous (not verified)
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Message from llogan

I am unaware to the degree to which the current and past USC UC-China Institute participants are interested in going to the new Human Rights Seminar this coming May. The one-day seminar is entitled, "Integrating Human Rights into your Curriculum: Case Studies in Asia," and is taking place on Saturday, May 3, 2007 from 9 - 4 pm at USC in the Intellectual Commons room of the Doheny Memorial Library.

I have just turned in my application/reservation sheet and will link to the form below. I was energized by the testimonial given! Now, I really can't wait. What perfect timing, especially with all of the discussions regarding the Olympics and Darfur.

The link is href="">

Also, I saw the poster was interested in professional teaching teams or communities. There is a brilliant article in a past CA Educator! The link is here!

Hope to see you there![Edit by="llogan on Apr 15, 12:07:26 PM"][/Edit]