Past Events
Hearing on “China's Military Modernization and Its Impact on the United States and the Asia-Pacific”
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission hearing in Washington, DC.
The USC Community is invited to part 1 of 4 interactive video teleconferenced seminars on Mental Health & Social Work. presented by USC School of Social Work China Program.
Author Beverly Jackson visits the Bowers Museum to discuss traditional chinese fashion in 1930s Shanghai.
Jim Mann, Johns Hopkins University, examines the evolution of American policy toward China
William Overholt, RAND Corporation, speaks at USC on China's growing international role.
HKASC members and friends of Hong Kong celebrate the Year of the Dog
Louise Levathes, journalist and author, describes China's early relations with the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa.
Bates Gill, Center for Strategic and International Studies, discussed Chinese security issues at USC.