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USC and China in the News, November and December 2010


December 29, 2010: China Daily 

Yan Xiao, of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, also heads the Hunan University civil engineering department. He was interviewed for an article about how Changsha welcomes talent from all over the globe. 

 December 24, 2010: Southern Weekend via (南方周末)

Stanley Rosen, director of the USC East Asian Studies Center, was mentioned in an article about the Olympic film Eternal Fire. Rosen had said that sports films needed the thrill of victory and the pain of defeat.

December 24, 2010: China Review News (中国评论新闻)

Clayton Dube of the USC US-China Institute was interviewed about the Taiwan-China cross-strait relationship. Dube said that there had been significant progress in the relationship, but that major problems remain, testing the leaders of both sides. On the Korean peninsula tensions, Dube noted that while China was the only country with significant non-military means to influence North Korea, that even it was limited in its influence. Two other news organizations also published interviews with Dube: World Journal (世界日报) and Central News Agency (中央社).

December 23, 2010: Wall Street Journal Real Time China Blog

USC political scientist Stanley Rosen was cited in an article about Chinese director Zhang Yimou’s plans to use American actor Christian Bale in his upcoming film on the 1937 Japanese invasion of Nanjing. Rosen noted that it’s difficult for some films to appeal to both the US and Chinese markets. He cited the example of the Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith remake of Karate Kid. It did well outside of China, but not in China. Rosen said its trouble in China was because the film’s “bad” kids were Chinese.

December 19, 2010

Several newspapers carried a Central News Agency (中央社) report of USC US-China Institute associate director Clayton Dube's comments at a Taiwan cultural fest. Dube noted that the program permitted attendees to sample some of Taiwan's cultural diversity. World Journal (世界日报) also reported Dube's comments.

December 10, 2010: Singtao Daily (星岛日报)

Clayton Dube of the USC US-China Institute was interviewed for a story on Chinese reaction to the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo. Dube said that that Liu was a strident and persistent voice for sweeping change and that’s why he’s now in jail and why the prize committee chose him. He said that some in China see the West as using human rights as an issue to hamper its rise. Dube concluded by noting that most Chinese, both supporters of Liu and his detractors, do want greater accountability, an end to official corruption, and rule of law.

December 10, 2010: China Thought (中华思想)

USC political scientist Stanley Rosen was interviewed about European-Chinese relations. He said that US-Chinese relations were better than those between Europe and China.

November 29, 2010: Financial Times

USC Marshall School of Business finance specialist Baizhu Chen was quoted in a story about China's aspirations to build Shanghai into a global financial center. He said China "definitely needs to make the market more open to foreign investors.”

November 29, 2010: China Times (中时电子报)

An article mentioned that USC political scientist Stanley Rosen was part of a group of American scholars observing the Taiwan mayoral elections. Rosen said that the Democratic Progressive Party made almost no mention of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement.

November 23, 2010: New York Times

Yang Lu of the USC Keck School of Medicine was quoted in an article about life expectancy in China. Lu said that pollution was one reason that cancer had replaced strokes as a principal cause of death in China.

November 23, 2010: CNN

Mike Chinoy, USC US-China Institute Senior Fellow, was interviewed by CNN on the conflict between North and South Korea and the implications for China and the United States.

November 21, 2010: USA Today

Charlie Annenberg Weingarten, a USC alum, was profiled. Weingarten runs Explore, his philanthropic organization that supports and promotes people who are doing things to improve society. The organization has supported a women’s center in rural China. Weingarten says that one aim of Explore is to, through film, show that broad media images of places such as China can be misleading.

November 13, 2010: Phoenix News 

Clayton Dube was interviewed on the implications of President Obama’s Asia trip. Dube argued that it was natural that China’s neighbors might want to strengthen ties with the United States as a balance to relationship with China. He went on to explain why the administration was so preoccupied with Asia, explaining that Asia was “where the most dynamic economies are and that’s where there are grave security concerns.”

November 10, 2010: Singtao Daily

Political scientist Stanley Rosen was quoted in an article about the problems facing the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan’s November mayoral elections. Clayton Dube of the USC US-China Institute noted that while the elections are being contested by the two major parties, that the most important issues are local ones and focus on matters such as the state of the local economy, environmental protection, and transportation.

November 9, 2010: Sichuan Daily/Xinhua (四川日报/新华社)

USC U.S.-China Institute’s Clayton Dube was interviewed in a story on the visit and performance in Pasadena of a cultural delegation from China’s Sichuan province. Dube noted that some USC students had traveled to Sichuan after the devastating 2008 earthquake there to participate in the reconstruction effort.

November 7, 2010: The Hollywood Reporter

Michael Peyser, a film producer who also teaches at USC, noted the rise of the Chinese film industry. At the recent (USC US-China Institute co-sponsored) US-China Film Summit, Peyser says, "Everybody else was trying to talk with Bill Mechanic [former head of Fox], but I went right up to Zhang Xun and said, 'I don't speak Chinese, but it's really, really nice to meet you.’” Zhang heads China’s film co-production corporation. Peyser says, "Everybody should be really nice to Madame Zhang. Beyond packing the house, she's going to be paying the bills for the next 50 years."

November 5, 2010: Voice of America

Jonathan Watts's presentation at the USC US-China Institute was the focus of an article about China's environmental challenges.

November 4, 2010: Singtao Daily (星岛日报

Clayton Dube of the USC US-China Institute was interviewed for a story on how the mid-term elections might affect US-China relations. Dube noted that both ads from both parties criticized opponents for outsourcing jobs to China or supporting government help to companies that created clean energy jobs in China. He said it's too early to know for sure what impact the new composition of Congress might have on the relationship. He noted that the change may make progress on issues such as climate change more difficult owing to the problems President Obama will likely have in getting Congressional support on environmental legislation.

November 3, 2010: People’s Daily

An article focused on Frank Gehry, 1954 USC Architecture graduate, who is having his first solo exhibition in Beijing. Gehry’s first Asia project is a residential complex in Hong Kong.

November 3, 2010: The Hollywood Reporter

A report about FromMovie Entertainment, a film and television company with funding from China and a focus on the Chinese market, is led by Donny Liang, who graduated with film and business degrees from USC. Among the first projects Liang is launching is a film version of the Wang Qiang bestseller, Founder, 
and a 3D animated film called Dim Sum Warriors.

November 2, 2010: Singtao Daily

In an interview, Clayton Dube of the USC US-China Institute, discussed recent measures taken by the Chinese government to ensure Chinese access to an ample supply of rare earth minerals.

November 2, 2010: The Hollywood Reporter


A story on the U.S.-China Film Co-Production Summit held in Beverly Hills noted that it was co-sponsored by the USC U.S.-China Institute and the USC Center for International Business Education and Research.


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