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Chinese and Russian Border Disputes - Are Dotted Lines a Red Line?

The Kennan Institute presents a program that examines the historical Sino-Soviet and Sino-Russian border disputes and their resolution.

Chinese and American Approaches to Non-Traditional Security Challenges: Implications for the Maritime Domain

The Naval War College's China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) will be
hosting its fifth annual conference in Newport, Rhode Island.

Chinese and U.S. Nuclear Strategies in a New Era of Great Power Competition

The Wilson Center Kissinger Institute hosts a panel discussion on Chinese and U.S. nuclear strategies in a context of regional competition.

Crisis in the East China Sea: Strategic Implications of China's Air Defense Identification Zone

The CSIS-Schieffer Series Dialogues hosts a discussion of the new zone China has implemented in the East China Sea and what it means for the region

McLynn, Genghis Khan - His Conquests, His Empire, His Legacy, 2015.

Frank McLynn's book was reviewed for the History of War discussion list by Dustin Mack. It is reprinted here via Creative Commons license.

Democratic Accountability and Foreign Policy Commitments in Asia

Yale will hold a conference on how electoral and legislative politics interact with security and foreign economic policy in East Asia.

Taiwan's China Dilemma: Contested Identities and Multiple Interests in Taiwan's Cross-Strait Economic Policy

Dr. Syaru Shirley Lin will discuss her new book, Taiwan’s China Dilemma, at the Elliott School of International Affairs.

San Diego Global Forum: Friction Points in U.S.-China Relations

University of California, San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy hosts the 2015 San Diego Global Forum.
