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Trump and Asia: Business as Usual? U.S.-Asia Business and Trade in the Trump Era

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies presents a panel discussion with William Kirby, T. M. Chang Professor China Studies at Harvard, Mireya Solis, Senior Fellow in Japan Studies at the Brookings Institute, and Mark Wu, Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard. 

The panel will be discussing international business and trade between the U.S. and Asia. 

April 25, 2017 12:00pm to 2:00pm

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies presents a panel discussion with William Kirby, T. M. Chang Professor China Studies at Harvard, Mireya Solis, Senior Fellow in Japan Studies at the Brookings Institute, and Mark Wu, Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard. 

The panel will be discussing international business and trade between the U.S. and Asia. 

Free and Open to the Public